Katarina is a simple and a normal teenage girl. With one change. She hates drama. She really, really loves simplicity and that's what makes her special. She is not afraid to be honest and she puts a lot of herself in what she does. Her heart beats strong and is hardly shut down. On the other hand, drama loves her. Troubles and drama always find a way to her and annoy her daily. You better watch out on those days.
15 | Gryfondom | Single
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Katarina Rose
Prispevki : 224 Kraj : Great Britain Status : Happy Letnik : 5. letnik
Naslov sporočila: Re: Katarina Rose, PP Tor Nov 03, 2015 10:42 pm
Okay, you know what, that really wasn't a nice thing you did there. But ugh, there was something about you that kept me coming back to you. You attracted me, a lot. Well I didn't know, I never felt anything like that before. You were different. Like me. You were so cool, I was sure you would never notice me. But you did much more than that. I like you, Myundae.
OH MY GOD, STOP. No, seriously. Like, okay, yes, that was my fault a year ago, but I helped you so much after that and you just keep coming back! And the thing is, you're so dramatic. And I hate drama. You're a greenie, but you're a good one. You're kind, your heart is pure, you're like a little kid. Nobody can say no to you. So I'm here for you. How ironic. But you're still annoying!
My quidditch mate, my popular friend. Describing their relationship is impossible, it is not existing. They're both popular, both liked, but their worlds are different. Katarina likes him and he likes her back but that's as far as this goes.
He divided me on two poles, two sides. One side of me wanted to kick his butt because ugh he was so annoyingly attractive, but I just couldn't admit that, since he was me naked! By accident, of course! And he was the first guy to see me naked. I imagined this a little different. And then we have the other side, who misses him when he's not around, because he's funny and clumsy, just like me. He's simple.
The taste of forbidden things is always the sweetest. And friendship is the sweetest relationship you can have, too. Combine this two together... Forbidden friendship is what we have.
She's the quiet girl who doesn't have many friends if any at all, and Katarina is her contradiction, but their friendship proves, that two different poles go well together, because they both share one common thing, and that's a good heart.
Aiden in jaz sva sošolca in prijatelja iz istega doma že od nekdaj. Je preprost, zmešnjava na dveh nogah in zelo otročji, a poda se moji preprosti in radoživi naravi. Tega ne povejte nikomur, a sva celo hodila v 3. letniku. Groza. Tako me je bilo sram, njega pa tudi. Ker sva bila premlada in sva bila preveč sramežljiva, sva šla narazen. Od tistega pa sva obdržala tesno prijateljstvo.
Hej, ti! ;) vemo, da je ta forum žal zamrl, a po kar nekaj časa smo odprli novega in vse vas vabimo k pridružitvi! Tako bo naš forum lahko postal vaše zatočišče. Je HP themed, seveda, AU, dogaja pa se v letu 2018. Pridi kaj k nam ;)
URL: http://thegreatergood.forumotion.me/
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